Real Property Management Success

Eco-friendly Kitchen Cleaning Products for Your Fairhaven Rental Property

Few things in life are more enjoyable than a tidy, gleaming kitchen. Yet, not all of the cleaning supplies we use in our Fairhaven residences are good for the environment. The good news is that there are currently more eco-friendly cleaning products available than ever before. In reality, you can produce safe, practical, natural cleaning products for a fraction of the cost of store-bought goods that work just as well or better with a few basic products that you probably have in your kitchen. 

Why Use Eco-Friendly Products? 

There are numerous advantages to using environmentally friendly cleaning products in kitchens. Toxins can be extremely hazardous to your throat, skin, eyes, nose, and respiratory system. They also seriously endanger sensitive family members or pets. In addition to having negative impacts on your health, many cleaning products you may buy at the store include chemicals in them that are bad for the environment. Weakened plants, poisoned fish and animals, and contaminated soil can all result from toxic chemicals that seep from our kitchen sinks into lakes, groundwater, and rivers. 

Eco-friendly cleaning products, on the flip side, use plain, non-toxic components that are healthier for the environment. Not all companies that market themselves as “natural” or “organic” are, in fact, environmentally beneficial. Few federal laws specify which goods can make the “natural” claim. Furthermore, there are no laws that require producers of cleaning solutions to list the chemicals on the box of their goods. This implies that it is up to the knowledgeable consumer to either investigate the truly eco-friendly brands of household cleaners that are currently available or manufacture their own. 

Simple Ingredients = Safer Cleaning 

Most of the best sustainable cleaning products you can prepare or buy involve the same two common ingredients: baking soda and white vinegar. Utilized in various combinations, these two pantry staples can clean up virtually any kitchen mess. You don’t need to use the harsh chemicals found in many store-bought brands to thoroughly clean your entire kitchen from floor to ceiling with a couple of common cleaning supplies. Here are some ideas for you: 

Buy or DIY? 

If manufacturing your own cleaning products doesn’t sound attractive, there are plenty of eco-friendly alternatives now. Bon Ami cleansers, Method brand products, and Mrs. Meyer’s products are a few of the most well-known brands. These, as well as other brands, claim that their products are practical, safe, and eco-sustainable. Some of these brands employ 100% recycled plastic in their packaging. 

Whether you decide to buy or create your own kitchen cleaning supplies, once you see the advantages of eco-friendly cleansers, you might never go back to using nasty chemicals again. You’ll not only safeguard your property and yourself, but you’ll also be contributing to environmental preservation! 

If you are looking for a rental home or seek assistance with managing your rental property, get in touch with Real Property Management Success at 774-840-5140 to talk with a skilled Fairhaven property manager right now!